Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide에 Linux commands를 정리해둔 챕터가 있다. 다음 명령에 대해 정리되어 있다. 참고로 굵은 글씨는 필자가 마음대로 표시한 것으로 원본과는 무관하다.
. (See also source) ac adduser agetty agrep ar arch at autoload awk (See also Using awk for math operations) badblocks banner basename batch bc bg bind bison builtin bzgrep bzip2 cal caller cat cd chattr chfn chgrp chkconfig chmod chown chroot cksum clear clock cmp col colrm column comm command compgen complete compress coproc cp cpio cron crypt csplit cu cut date dc dd debugfs declare depmod df dialog diff diff3 diffstat dig dirname dirs disown dmesg doexec dos2unix du dump dumpe2fs e2fsck echo egrep enable enscript env eqn eval exec exit (Related topic: exit status) expand export expr factor false fdformat fdisk fg fgrep file find finger flex flock fmt fold free fsck ftp fuser getfacl getopt getopts gettext getty gnome-mount grep groff groupmod groups (Related topic: the $GROUPS variable) gs gzip halt hash hdparm head help hexdump host hostid hostname (Related topic: the $HOSTNAME variable) hwclock iconv id (Related topic: the $UID variable) ifconfig info infocmp init insmod install ip ipcalc iptables iwconfig jobs join jot kill killall last lastcomm lastlog ldd less let lex lid ln locate lockfile logger logname logout logrotate look losetup lp ls lsdev lsmod lsof lspci lsusb ltrace lynx lzcat lzma m4 mail mailstats mailto make MAKEDEV man mapfile mcookie md5sum merge mesg mimencode mkbootdisk mkdir mke2fs mkfifo mkisofs mknod mkswap mktemp mmencode modinfo modprobe more mount msgfmt mv nc netconfig netstat newgrp nice nl nm nmap nohup nslookup objdump od openssl passwd paste patch (Related topic: diff) pathchk pax pgrep pidof ping pkill popd pr printenv printf procinfo ps pstree ptx pushd pwd (Related topic: the $PWD variable) quota rcp rdev rdist read readelf readlink readonly reboot recode renice reset resize restore rev rlogin rm rmdir rmmod route rpm rpm2cpio rsh rsync runlevel run-parts rx rz sar scp script sdiff sed seq service set setfacl setquota setserial setterm sha1sum shar shopt shred shutdown size skill sleep slocate snice sort source sox split sq ssh stat strace strings strip stty su sudo sum suspend swapoff swapon sx sync sz tac tail tar tbl tcpdump tee telinit telnet tex texexec time times tmpwatch top touch tput tr traceroute true tset tsort tty tune2fs type typeset ulimit umask umount uname unarc unarj uncompress unexpand uniq units unlzma unrar unset unsq unzip uptime usbmodules useradd userdel usermod users usleep uucp uudecode uuencode uux vacation vdir vmstat vrfy w wait wall watch wc wget whatis whereis which who whoami whois write xargs yacc yes zcat zdiff zdump zegrep zfgrep zgrep zip
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